Tag: NYC

The Ordeal

I had to return the rental back at the airport today, as otherwise I would have ad to pay 100 bucks more for dropping it at an alternate location. This was supposed to be a normal task, and I estimated that I should be back to the hotel in around 3 – 3.5 hours.

Nevertheless, I was to learn an important lesson, another hard way.

First, I decided to depend heavily on GPS and forgot to take a look at directions from Google maps, before leaving. Stupid GPS took me to some really confusing route and I took a wrong turn, and that was it, I spent half an hour to cover a distance of 2 miles. Thanks to the traffic.

What happened afterwards was, the exit for JFK was flooded due to rain, which caused some crashes, which caused mile long bumper to bumper. I ended up spending close to 2 hours for a stretch of 5 miles. I could not have avoided that, and this was not due to that GPS thing.

Second, never rent a car from airport location unless you’re a tourist at some tourist location. If you are on work, take a cab to your hotel and then rent a car from some nearby location. It will always be cheap and will be easier for you.

Public Transportation sucks outside cities and that’s a truth. While coming back, I had to take the shortline and the bus stop was almost 2 miles from my hotel. Even though the hotel was on the highway, and right on way to that bus stop, the driver did not stop the bus there! Turned out, a walk of 2 miles, and no, it was not on a footpath. I don’t avoid walking, but I do avoid walking on curb alongside highway!

Bad, really bad day. Too much frustration and irritation.

Independence Day

It’s 4th of July, so here I am wishing all my American friends a very happy Independence day.

I am not going to see the Macy’s fireworks in NYC this year. It was not that awesome last year so I am not feeling the urge to go there this year. By the way this year they are having it on Hudson river instead of East river. Here are the details for this year’s show.

Those of you who will be heading there, have fun!