Tag: Photography

That trip to Nandi Hills

One of the few things I wanted to do in Bangalore, when I wanted to come to this city (and when I finally came down) was going to Nandi Hills. I finally made that trip, around 4 months after I arrived in this city as a resident and not a traveler. Thanks to Nitin and Charu for taking me along. 

That trip was great in itself. Even though, we were not able to see the sunrise, which was the main attraction (and our actual intent), due to the dense fog at the peak that day, we had a lot of fun traveling there, and then being there. We became a group of 10 people, thanks to friends of Charu and Nitin. I remember that it was damn windy at the top, and due to the mist in the air, it felt like it was drizzling. We kept getting slightly wet, every 10-15 minutes.

It was the first big outing for my camera, with promising opportunities for a lot of shots. Nonetheless, the fog screwed it up for me and my camera in a big way. Still, I managed to take few good shots of the vegetation – as in trees and sometimes people too 🙂


I would have loved to go back there, but it never happened. Anyways, there’s always a next time!



Trying hands at fake HDR

Till the time I actually own a DSLR, I thought lets try to fake HDR images using Gimp. I got hold of an article which has some very basic steps for getting your single image modified to give you a somewhat HDR look.

Here are the images, I modified using the technique described here